How to Choose the Best Lice & Nit Comb
Understanding the Difference in Lice Combs
How to Choose the Best Lice & Nit Comb
Understanding the Difference in Lice Combs
Head lice infestation is a common problem, especially among children. These tiny parasites can cause a lot of discomfort, leading to itchiness and irritation on the scalp. One of the most effective ways to eliminate these unwelcome guests is by using a lice comb. However, with a variety of lice combs available in the market, choosing the right lice comb can be easy if you know what to consider and how to find that ‘perfect lice comb’. This article aims to guide you through the process of selecting the best head lice and nit comb, and how to use it effectively.
Which kind of lice comb is best?
Compared to a regular comb or brush, a lice comb is far more effective. Regular combs have wider gaps between the teeth, making it easy for them to miss lice and their eggs8. On the other hand, lice combs have small teeth with very little space between them, which allows them to catch and remove the tiny eggs and lice [10].
The best kind of lice comb is usually one made of metal with fine teeth [1]. A study found that while all combs worked to remove lice, the metal comb with the finest teeth was the most effective at removing all developmental stages [1].
Is there a difference in the comb to use if it is to be used mostly for adult lice, their eggs (called nits), or both?
Yes, there is a difference. Combs with teeth closer to 0.09 inches are best for removing both adults and nits. A tooth spacing of around 0.2 to 0.3 inches can remove adult lice but tends to miss nits [1].
What type of comb should you choose if your child’s school has a no-nit policy?
If your child’s school has a no-nit policy, it’s advisable to choose a comb that is effective at removing both lice and nits. Combs with teeth closer to 0.09 inches are recommended [1][2][3].
When should you use a lice comb?
You should start using a lice comb as soon as you realize that your child has lice. After beginning treatment, continue combing at least once a day while you still see live lice [1].
How is a lice comb used? What steps should be followed for best results?
To properly use a lice comb, follow these steps [3][5]:
1. Wet the person’s hair.
2. Run a regular wide-toothed comb through wet hair to detangle it.
3. Have the person sit under a bright light.
4. Separate their hair with the lice comb.
5. Slowly run the lice comb up through each section of hair, starting at the scalp and working outward to the end of the section of hair.
6. Wipe the teeth of the comb with a tissue or paper towel after you finish each section to remove any lice or nits.
Should the lice comb be used on wet or dry hair?
It’s better to comb lice out of wet hair than dry hair. Wet hair sticks together and is easier to comb in sections. It’s also easier to see lice and their eggs in wet hair [5].
What Are You Looking For when using the lice comb?
When using a lice comb, you are looking for adult lice and their eggs (called nits). You’re more likely to see nits than adults because nits are firmly attached to the hair and do not move [8].
What do adult lice look like?
Adult lice are fully grown and are tan, gray, or white. They hold tightly to hair with hooklike claws on each of their six legs [1]?. They are about the size of a sesame seed [5].
What do nits look like?
Nits, or lice eggs, look like small, symmetrical ovals that head lice attach to close to the scalp. Often they are white or light in color [3]. They are very tiny—about the size of a knot in a strand of thread [6].
At what stage of dealing with head lice should a visit to a doctor be considered?
If the at-home treatment does not work or this seems more than you can handle, you should see a dermatologist for treatment [8]. If the lice still don’t go away, you may need to take a medication by mouth. Scratching your head a lot in response to the itching can lead to a rash or infection. See a doctor if you have signs of an infection, such as skin on your scalp that is tender, crusting, or oozing [9].
Remember, while using a lice comb is time-consuming, it is one of the best options for treating a lice infestation. Combining the use of a lice comb with other treatments, such as shampoo treatment and post-treatment spray, can enhance its effectiveness.
Schooltime® 3-Piece
Lice Elimination Travel Kit
Don’t leave home without it!
Kit contains a 6 oz Bottle of Schooltime Shampoo, a 2 oz Bottle of Spray Away Instant Hair De-Tangler, and the Schooltime Stainless Steel Comb. The Hair detangler for easy combouts, anti frizz, or daily leave in styling spray to help maintain lice free hair and scalp.
What Schooltime® Customers Say

J. Mayfield
“I was tired of using harsh lice shampoos on my daughter, especially since they did not work. Schooltime Shampoo® got rid of the lice and was gentle to use.”

N. Paul
“My three year old daughter recently changed daycares, and one of the first things she came home with was headlice. I had the opportunity to use your product and truly believe that it is wonderful.”

T. Gullett
“I was very impressed with the shampoo. It contained no harmful chemicals, yet it rid two of my student’s hair of lice and left the hair soft, shiny and healthy looking.”